Episode 79: Let's Talk About...How to Keep Your Eating Parts from Taking Over (aka how to unblend)
I think many (most) of us have had the experience of feeling out-of-control with food, at least to some degree. It feels like something or someone else has taken over and you're just along for the ride.
In IFS terms, we call that being "blended" with a part. The part has literally hijacked the system and is running the show. And Self is very hard to access.
One of the things that my clients always want to work on is what to do in the moment when this is happening. Which makes complete sense, right? How can I stop the roller coaster before it even starts?
I don't think that's where most of the work actually is. Sure, that can be helpful, and we do talk about how to be more present and aware in those moments. But in my experience, the real work is when this isn't happening. The real work is getting to know your parts when your system is calm, and you have more access to Self.
And we're talking about why that part of the work is so important on this week's podcast. In this episode, we're focusing on why it's essential to regularly check in with and get to know parts within your eating system and why this is what makes it easier to unblend from your parts when they start to take over.
And yes, we also talk about what to do in those moments when your parts start hijacking you. Check it out!
And if you’re interested in getting to know your parts, join me for the Food and Body Freedom Experiential IFS Workshop Series! I’m doing three workshops, all of which IFS-based and experiential (meaning no didactics), and all of which will guide you in getting to know more parts that are related to food and body concerns. You can buy the whole series for $129 or pay for one or two at $49 each. Head here for all of the details!
Where to find me:
Therapy website (for therapists and practitioners): drkimdaniels.com
Coaching website (for non-therapists): yourweightisnotyourworth.com
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