Welcome! Below are three meditations to help you get to know some of the parts in your Eating System. They are designed to walk you through the process of connecting to the parts in your system that have anything to do with your relationship with food and your body. You can use them as many times as is needed to notice the parts that make up your system, and to understand their roles more fully.
The first meditation is a Parts Mapping meditation. In it, you’ll be asking the parts within your Eating System to join you in a separate, comfortable space so that you can begin to notice who’s there. You’ll be asking them to share whatever it is that they would like you to know about them. This is meant to help you understand and appreciate the complexities of your system and to begin to notice all of your parts.
The second meditation walks you through the process of getting to know a part. You can choose a part that you met during the first meditation or connect with a part that you’ve met previously. Or, you can think of a behavior that you tend to engage in (i.e. binge eating) and connect with the part that leads you to that behavior. This meditation leads you through the process of connecting to that part and learning more about its role within your system.
Finally, the third meditation is meant to be used in the moment when you become blended with a part who’s leading you to food. For example, during times when you’re rummaging through the pantry looking for a snack even though you know you aren’t hungry. Or when you’re going back for seconds when you know you’re already physically full. In these moments, you are likely blended with a firefighter, and this meditation is meant to help you unblend from that part and get to know it. You can also use the meditation when you aren’t blended with a firefighter. Perhaps you’re very away of a binge eating part who takes over from time-to-time. You can use the meditation even when you aren’t blended with that part to get to know it better.
I hope these meditations are helpful in fostering a compassionate connection between your Self and your parts. They are intended for those who already have experience with IFS. They are not a substitute for therapy, consultation, or coaching. If you find yourself becoming triggered during any of these meditations, please stop them immediately and seek professional help.